Stub database connection with GORM

How to stub database connection with GORM

This article is a note when I was looking for how to stub database connection with GORM.

At first, I found go-sqlmock. It stubs database connection. I thought that it’s easy to make connection stub.

go-sqlmock makes stub connection & return it.

//db is sql.DB
db, mock, err := sqlmock.New()

So, I tried to set db to GORM. But GORM hides db field of their DB struct.

I looked into GORM & go-sqlmock, and I understood following.

So the code is like this.

    var db *gorm.DB

    _, mock, err := sqlmock.NewWithDSN("sqlmock_db_0")
    if err != nil {
        panic("Got an unexpected error.")

    db, err = gorm.Open("sqlmock", "sqlmock_db_0")
    if err != nil {
        panic("Got an unexpected error.")

    defer db.Close()

    rs := sqlmock.NewRows([]string{"count"}).FromCSVString("1")
    mock.ExpectQuery(`SELECT count.* FROM "whitelist"  WHERE.*$`).

